Najnowsza piosenka zespołu Sabaton – tym razem poświęcona husarii! [wideo]

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The Last Stand to ósmy album studyjny szwedzkiego zespołu Sabaton. Dziesiątym utworem na płycie jest „Winged Hussars”, inspirowany Bitwą pod Wiedniem. Nie ma jeszcze oficjalnego teledysku, jedynie stworzony przez polskich internautów. Efekt? Oceńcie sami.

A cry for help in time of need await relief from Holy League
60 days of siege outnumbered and weak
Sent a message to the sky wounded soldiers left to die
Will they hold the wall or will the city fall

They’re outnumbered 15 to one
And the battle’s begun

And the Winged Hussars arrive
Coming down the mountainside
Let the Winged Hussars arrive
Coming down they turn the tide

As the days are passing by and as the dead are piling high
No escape and no salvation
Trenches to explosive halls are buried deep beneath the walls
Plant the charges there and watch the city fear

It’s a desperate race against the mine
And a race against time

And the Winged Hussars arrive
Coming down the mountainside
Let the Winged Hussars arrive
Coming down they turn the tide

Cannonballs are coming down from the sky
Janissaries are you ready to die
We will seek our vengeance eye for an eye

You’ll be stopped upon the steps of our gate
On this field you’re only facing our hate
But back home the sultan’s sealing your fate

We remember
In September
That’s the night Vienna was freed
We made the enemies bleed

And the Winged Hussars arrive
Coming down the mountainside
Let the Winged Hussars arrive
Coming down they turn the tide [X2]

(Storm clouds fire and steel
Death from above make their enemy kneel)

We remember
In September
When the Winged Hussars arrived


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